Monday, October 29, 2007

Happy Birthday, Choochie!

On Sunday, October 30th, 2005... at 8:29AM... a Chooch was born! The actual act of parenting... not so great. Carlos... priceless.

Here are some photos of his 2nd birthday party (many of you have already seen... sorry). Tomorrow morning we are getting up and going to our usual breakfast place for pancakes, huevos, or whatever he wants. We got him a big cargo plane for his birthday that he can load his little cars into.

One funny note. .. he likes to "make a cave" in the bed. This means that we throw the covers over him and ourselves and pretend we are in a dark cave. Then, if we are lucky, David will come "find" us. Really just a big hide and seek game with a fancy "cave" name. He usually does it with me and David is the one asking where we went and pretending to discover us. So, he just did it with David hiding and me looking for them. After one time like this, he starts trying to pick David up off of the bed and said "all done with daddy" and then "can mommy do it?"...
very funny

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