Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Funny Carlos and a trip for Art

Carlos is so, so funny. We went to a shoe store the other day and he and David were climbing the stairs and I hear him shout at the top of his lungs...."Jenny! I'm going upstairs!" I am glad I have graduated to Jenny... for awhile I was Jimmy. David was Dabid. Dabid and Jimmy. Then, this morning he got up and walked into our room (after I got him out of his crib) and said, "Democrats" three times as if it meant something particular.

He dances and says he is "tap dancing" and speaks in complete sentences - like when he crouches in the corner of the apartment and says "I wike dis fawm" (I like this farm, we have no idea what he is talking about). Before he eats he puts his little hands together and says "Itedakemas" - a buddhist Japanese saying for "thank you for everything I have". He learned it at school... but immediately after he says it, he starts singing "Happy birthday" and inserts whatever he is eating as the subject of the Happy Birthday song... so, yesterday we had red chile tacos for dinner that I made and he said, "Happy birthday to you (pause for effect) spicy chicken. Happy birthday to you, tortilla." He is a total and complete kook. Every day we are doubled over with laughter listening to what comes out of his mouth.

So, tomorrow we are going on a trip I have been dying to go on. First, to this art island called Naoshima. We have to take a train 2.5 hours south, then a subway for another 40 minutes, then a 20 minute ferry to get there... but it looks incredible. Staying one night at a super fancy hotel and then one night in these mongolian yurts on the beach. then we are going to Matsuyama to stay at the Dogo onsen, which is Japan's oldest hot spring bath. Apparently it is quite a trip with lots of naked people of all ages running around. Finally, we are headed to Hiroshima.

We will be back on the 15th... then the countdown to home begins.

Our house in New Orleans is supposed to close on the 11th... so let us pray!

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