Thursday, July 26, 2007

Drown Your Sorrows

The 22 different flavors of Kit-Kats and a seasonal Cucumber Pepsi turn out to be symptoms of a greater Japanese disease, New Product-Itis. That is a serious condition that involves the swelling of the lips and hands when one does not touch a newly introduced product for more than twenty four hours.

Miu Pure Water is a great example. Staring back out at me from the vending machine (vending machines are big here) a few days ago was a twisted plastic water bottle with the words "Miu Pure Water" written on it in English. "Miu Pure Water is a natural type of pure water which uses 100% Muroto deep seawater. Deep seawater is seawater that has settled at the bottom of the ocean having become cold and heavy, and which spends about 2000 years circulating the world"s oceans." Wow. for 120 Yen (1 dollar), I can have 2000 year old water in plain or lemon flavor. For 120 Yen, I can disturb some lovely ecosystem that was minding its own business simply because I am thirsty. I have to say, the water is delicious, but why must they offer this new product? And in a few weeks, it will be gone. Just like the white chocolate KitKats I ache for... where are you, white chocolate Kit Kats?

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