Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Too tired to be entertaining

So, Mr. Choocherberg (aka Carlos) got up at 4:00 this morning... and guess who got up with him? I tried to let him cry, but David is sick, so I got him out of his crib and tried to get him to sleep with me. No such luck. So, we got up and played and went to get coffee at our funny smoky diner we go to every morning where Carlos ate his yogurt and huevo (you get a free hardboiled egg and toast with your coffee) and I attempted to read the newspaper while pretending I didn't see Carlos flinging his huevo onto the carpeted floor.

Above are his new froggie boots. They turned out to be too big, so we replaced them with duckie boots. Unfortunately, the duckie boots do not go with the froggie rain coat. Please do not mention this to Carlos as he has not noticed it as of yet.

So, I am headed to bed. I'll leave you with some funny things that Carlos says:

"Arigato, everybody"
"Carlos, where are you going?" (he says to himself as he takes off in some direction)
"Wanna cracker/cookie?" (meaning that he wants one)
"No, thank you" (In response to me asking if he wants to go to school or take a nap)
"Bye, bye!" (said forcefully to the babysitter basically telling her to pack her stuff and get out of his sight as fast as possible)
"You ok, Carlos?"
"No biting! Good boy!" (insert whatever it is he isn't supposed to be doing, while he is doing it)
"Good Job!"
"MUY (pause) GUAPO" (when we put on his froggie or duckie rain boots)
"Comiendo milk" (he is eating his milk)
"Now, THAT's a penis!"
"I sorry!" After I accidentally pinched him while changing his diaper.
"That's crazy!"
"Oh my gosh"
"Oh, Shit!" and "Crap!" and "Jesus!" (he must have learned those at school!)


Carolyn said...

Your blog is killing me Jenny!!
I can no longer read it at work. I spit out Jamba Juice.
I hope I taught him a swear word here and there when visiting.

Unknown said...

That Carlos is so funny. I can't believe how articulate he has become.