Tuesday, June 12, 2007


So here is a little secret... i didn{t like Tokyo. It is massive. It feels like 10 Manhattans with hundreds of downtowns and millions more people. The size and the architecture are something I am glad I did not miss. But it was just all shopping all of the time. Roppongi Hills is one of the more famous places in Tokyo... and it is just a giant mall. Every neighborhood was filled with stores I either could not afford or wanted nothing to do with. We did find a vintage kimono store with beautiful vintage obis (the tie that goes around the kimono). And, given that my mom paid for them, they were a great bargain. Other than that... the hotel was beautiful and cost more per night than our monthly rent. It had these cool automatic blackout curtains. With the push of a button, you could not see your hand in front of your face at 2pm.

OK. No more typing. Two people are puffing away at what seems to be sixty cigarettes in each of their mouths given the amount of smoke floating my direction. Sorry for the typos... the Japanese keyboards kill me.

Tomorrow... literally the most incredible meal I have ever had in my entire life. Everything I have eaten before this is slop. I kid you not.

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