Thursday, June 7, 2007

Kit Kats and Mouth Rot

For reasons I don't quite understand... KitKat candy bars are huge here. Not physically huge, but a big deal. They make them in tons of different flavors. There are seasonally produced KitKats, such as cherry flavored for the cherry blossom festival. There are white chocolate with Hida milk (Hida is an area a few hours from here... they have Hida beef, but no Hida beef Kit Kat that I have seen). There are green tea KitKats, lemon, cantaloupe, coffee, mint, bitter, wine, read bean, pumpkin, cappuccino, milkshake, strawberry, dark chocolate, banana, fruit parfait, baby and petit, orange and creme and, of course the original. I'm sure there are others, but I have not found them.

I have tried about five or six of them. The lemon tasted like lemon cheesecake, the white chocolate tasted like white chocolate but gave me a stomach ache. The cantaloupe tasted like throw up (in a good way!), the regular ones are regular, banana was nasty and green tea was delicious. I am on the lookout for the rest of them.

Everything is sweet here. If it doesn't taste like soy sauce, sea weed or curry, it is drenched in sugar. They sell this bread here that is essentially a loaf of white bread soaked in brown sugar. Mmmm. Animal crackers have chocolate in them. Pancakes at the Denny's equivalent come with a little pen of chocolate to make designs on your pancakes with. We bought caramel corn puffy things to eat while watching a movie (see below) and they were really just small hard cotton candy pellets with caramel and corn flavoring. I did eat the entire bag, though.

Mix two cups sugar with one part socialized medicine and what do you have?

Which is exactly what the three of us will have in six months. Yuck (and yum).

3Yen magazine, an online japanese culture magazine, has a funny bit on the new Cucumber Sprite coming out in a few weeks. It actually sounds great to me... kind of like a Pimms Cup. Make sure to read the part quoting the ad content that makes no sense in English.

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