Monday, August 6, 2007

I'm Baaaack.... for #2!

I guess this'll be an ongoing gig for awhile...Anyway, who else to better write about our trip to the "Toto" museum? No, not the 80s rock band, Toto, but the toilet maker who's toilets dot the entire country of Japan. The pictures below were taken in the original factory where the company began. Not only did we get to digest the past, present, and future of toilets, but we discovered how the toilet works!
Horace P. Pooperhofer (above) showing the latest toilet
technology. The "Neorest" toilet. " Neo", meaning "new" ,
and "rest" meaning "resting."

After viewing how the #2 is flushed, Carlos walked away from the demonstration and said, "Bye, bye, turd." Awww. He takes after his old man.

We then went to a gift shop/cafe. There, Carlos got to play while a little girl of about 3 years of age followed him around, giving him snacks and kisses...All in all, a good day: It was in the 90s outside, we got to spend a few hours in the A/C, and be together as a family!

Very first toilet ever.

Mommy and Carlos learning how water vacuum pulls doody
to the bottom of the bowl and out into the water supply

New laser technology allows toilet to
go to the bathroom for you.

Now you can fax, email, and download music
all while doing your daily business.

Believe it or not, these are the controls of a typical toilet. Some of them
even make flushing noises to hide other noises. Word on the street is that my
in-laws now have a super-Toto toilet. Wow. They must be real fancy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Best line - "Bye, bye turd."