Thursday, August 30, 2007

4 Down, 2 To Go

Now that we're well over the hump, I think I'm starting to appreciate Nagoya (and Japan for that matter) a little more. I have to admit that in the first few months, I was a having a tough time acclimating. Plus, it's pretty clear that in a city so large, it takes a long time to see all that it has to offer. For example, in the last two days alone, we've discovered (with the help of our friend, Glen) two great restaurants! One of them actually serves decent burgers and shakes.

We still have some exciting times ahead of us here too: Anamaria, Carlos' nanny from NOLA, will arrive in mid-September, and Jenny's cousins, Jeff and Catherine, will be here in October. The biggest trip we have left will be to Hiroshima. As a history junkie, that should be pretty surreal.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more installments!



Unknown said...

I can't wait for the Hiroshima trip. Please take lots of pics. I heard there are some freaky reminders in the city, like shadows of people burned onto the walls.

Ummm, I'm not really that morbid, I just sometimes like morbid things, maybe?

Anonymous said...

Ana Maria is going? That kicks ass.

Krewe of Bori said...

Ok, people--on the trip to Hiroshima you must take the ferry to Miyajima. Gorgeous place--we stayed at a fancy Ryokan and wandered around...hike up the mountain (though Mr. C might prefer the cable car) and hang out with dozens of tame deer. It is also an oyster eating place, though i could not find grilled ones ala Drago's. Can't have everything...

The Peace Park and Museum are great...but intense.

Neil and Co.