Wednesday, August 2, 2017

These Boys

The boys are just spectacular little human beings.  Although they don't listen about 30% of the time and get cranky about 15% of the time, they are soaking this all in.  Rafi (7) has mastered chopsticks and is trying to learn everything he can about everything.  He wants to learn how to say things in Japanese and how the Shinkansen works.  He is very independent and wants to take the elevator by himself and meet us at the bottom.  When we take the stairs, he lines up and takes the escalator with all of these random Japanese people... just slowly making his way down (or up) while we wait at the end.  He is incredibly cute and bats his eyelashes asking for things like 100 yen to put into the little souvenir machines (we call them "cranky machines" because they have cranks.  He is both rotten and genuinely hilarious.  He wakes up every morning wanting to do every single thing he can possibly do. Learn everything, do everything, make everything, clean, cook, do jumping jacks.  He is a real live firecracker.  

In all fairness, he can also be a pain in the butt.  But he is a cute one and David and I really stink at keeping a straight face when we are mad.  He is also a snuggle bug.

Carlos(11) is equally wonderful and very different.  He is the kindest and most thoughtful 11 year old boy who ever was.   He brushes his brother off when he has sand on him (or rice, Rafi leaves every meal with rice somewhere on his body) and kisses and hugs him all day long.  Carlos always wants everyone to feel good and happy.  He is an old soul.  Like his brother, he is also truly hilarious.  He says things like "Rafi makes me feel young again."   His interests are basketball, movies and his friends. He loves to talk about all three.  It makes him feel good and happy and loved to have a few close friends who he knows have his back (just like his Mama). He doesn't need a gazillion friends, just a few solids.   His ability to quote full scenes of movies makes me think his study skills will be just fine.  He has had a fantastic time here and has loved retracing his steps from when he was a baby. He loves hearing about what he did in what hotel or temple when he was 18 months old.  

Together, they have been (mostly) magical.  While Rafi still bolts to be the first one to the elevator to push the button and Carlos can forget how strong he is when they play, they are thick as thieves.  This trip has taken them to a new level of closeness and it is so sweet to watch.  They laugh so hard they cry and are constantly hugging.

The best thing is listening to their conversations... Deep things like Rafi asking if the gum Carlos is chewing is good, trying it himself and then pausing until he issues his own judgment.  Or when they walked into the onsen and saw a naked old Japanese dude and Rafi said, "this place does have a nice view" and they both lost it.

It is a privilege to be their mom.  That is the truth. 
Carlos took this selfie.

Fancy breakfast in Naoshima

Naoshima pumpkin

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