Friday, July 7, 2017

What does it all mean?

The reason I named this blog 10 years ago "The Deaf Anthropologist Goes to Japan," is because I am the equivalent of a deaf anthropologist.  I have no idea what anyone is saying or what anything means.

So, this sign, for example, clearly lays out unacceptable behavior on a subway.  I get that  #1 is that you should wait until everyone who needs to get off at the stop gets off before you get on.  The #2 photo states the obvious "don't be a jackass" rule of not putting your bags on the seats next to you. #3 proves that Manspreading is a global problem, not just limited to NYC. #5 - don't jabber on your cellphone.  But WTH do 5 and 6 prohibit?   Don't hump the backpack in front of you?  If you do, your crotch will explode?  Or #6?  Are we focusing on the music headphones or the salaryman flirting with the 12 year old school girl?  I do not know! Any guesses from the 2.5 people reading this blog?

Then there is this.  Super clear that this is a university where you can train to be a scientist or a nurse who takes people's temperature or even a cameraman. But what, exactly, does the guy holding the balls do?  What high stress and high pay Japanese job does this guy do?  Ball holder? Juggler?

And here is this? What is he advertising for? Hair mousse? Vests? I don't know.

These photos all taken on the trip with my friend Tina and to get fancy manicures.  They don't actually get the grime out from under your nails, they just shellac 20 layers of toxic gel on your nails. 

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